The options of shaving or reducing the beard size are out of question.
Have grey beard. Hair start falling if it grows beyond a certain length. No skin problem. What should I do?
See a dermatologist or a doctor. There could be a medical reason for the change in condition of your beard.
Have grey beard. Hair start falling if it grows beyond a certain length. No skin problem. What should I do?
I dont know why your hair starts falling out, maybe you should ask a dr. Or maybe a pharmisist could help you.
Have grey beard. Hair start falling if it grows beyond a certain length. No skin problem. What should I do?
I would definitely go see either a dermatologist or a doctor. You may have some sort of skin problem that is not able to be seen by the naked eye.
Have grey beard. Hair start falling if it grows beyond a certain length. No skin problem. What should I do?
It could be genetic. You might only have the ability to grow chin hair to a certain length and then the old hair falls out and, thus, makes way for new hair.
You haven't really given us enough information. But, if this is a new change in your hair's growth pattern, go see a doctor if it's concerning you.
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