Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

or am i talking boloxs?

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

shave it off if its that bad. dying ur pubes is pretty sad!

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

Public or pubic......learn to spell

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

use bigen it works real good to cover gray hair, it can usually be found in oriental stores it has no amonnia and you just add water i knoe it seems fake or something but it works

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

As opposed to your 'private' hair??!

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

the hair on my HEAD is turning gray and im 15

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

How many have you had!!?? Ooohh its gonna sting!

Stay away from that nasty public ; )

Yep I`d go with the b****cks.

Luv Tink xxx

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

I would not try to use that in that area for it may have a strinkage effect lol.................................

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

If you mean pubic hair, why bother? It is not on public display.

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

You shouldn't dye your pubes... It's not safe to use hair dyes down south.

Just wax it off!

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

...sounds like you need a Brazilian wax. Take it off...take it all off.

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

Yeah, back, sack and crack.

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

skip the grecian formula as well as the botox. Shave/wax it all off. Much easier and cleaner and no gray! luck!

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

shave or wax it.

Hey i`m only 28 but my public hair is turning grey. Should i use grecian 2000?

Shave it off.

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